Arithmetic by Design

by Russell F. Jacobs

Arithmetic by Design contains 48 one-page activities which provide review and practice of the computation algorithms. Most pages have 15 exercises and no page has fewer than 12.

Click here to download the table of contents in pdf format.
Click here to download a sample activity in pdf format.

Item no. J163; ISBN 978-0918272263. Contains 48 activity pages. Grades 5-12.
Suggested retail price: $19.95.

Topics include:
• Whole numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Decimals: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Fractions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Percent: decimals to percents and percents to decimals, fractions to percents and percents to fractions, percent of a number, to find what percent one number is of another, to find a number when a percent of it is known
• Applications of whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and percents

Other Jacobs Publishing titles:
Grade 2 Math by Design
Grade 3 Math by Design
Grade 4 Math by Design
Grade 5 Math by Design
Middle School Math by Design
Measurement and Geometry by Design
Estimation by Design
Symmetry in the Coordinate Plane
Designs in the Coordinate Plane
Pre-Algebra by Design
Algebra by Design
More Algebra by Design
Algebra I Topics by Design
Algebra II Topics by Design
Pre-Calculus by Design

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